November 17, 2008

Thanksgiving lunch at Market Street Manor

This Saturday November 22nd at noon we are feeding a group of people living at the Market Street Manor and handing out winter clothes. Go to Chris' blog to get the details.
Go here to get directions to Market Street Manor. Thanks for your willingness to serve.

The Green Elephant

If you missed this week you can listen to the podcast here.

Here's some questions, thoughts and scriptures from Sunday to think about this week:

In the beginning there was shalom (peace, wholeness) in every relationship:
- with God, with each other, with ourselves and with the earth

At the fall in Genesis 3 all of those relationships were broken.

In Jesus life, death and resurrection he was making a way for peace again in those relationships.
Read Colossians 1:15-21

Read Romans 8:18-23

Read Job 38 and 39 to see Gods intimate connection with creation.

How you treat the creation reflects how you feel about the creator. Thoughts...

We've been given responsibility to lovingly care for and steward the earth. Read Genesis 1:27-31
This responsibility is not a duty, it's worship.

What are some creative ways we can start to be more responsible with the earth God has given us?

November 12, 2008

The Porn Addicted Elephant

If you missed this week you can listen to the podcast here.

Here's some questions, thoughts and scriptures from the night to think about this week:

Read Ephesians 6:10
There are so many things we can be strong in but Paul urges us to be strong in the Lord

Porn teaches us:
- What are some of the lies?

Porn shapes us:
- How does it affect how you see men and women?

Porn follows us:
- Had you thought about the affect of porn following you into marriage?

With a click of the mouse we invite the enemy into our house.

Porn fuels the enemies attack against women
- What are ways we can encourage our sisters at the Stirring?

Read I Samuel 17
How does the story of David and Goliath encourage us in the battle against porn?

November 5, 2008

The Political Elephant

If you missed this week you can listen to the podcast here.

Here's some questions, thoughts and scriptures from the night to think about this week:

What should our posture be as we enter this political season?
Read Ephesians 4:1-3

Submert = Submit + Subvert

God always wanted to be our king
Read I Samuel 8

The slogans: Change / Country First

The kingdom of God will not be advanced on November 4th through a person or a political party. The kingdom of God will be advanced when the people of God through the power of the Holy Spirit embody the radical love of Jesus on this earth. We are the hands and feet of Jesus on this earth and we are the change we want to see in the world. We talk too much.

Where is your hope?