Last night was part 4 in our we love...we make disciples series.
We want to be wrestling with these ideas through the week in Life Groups and in our day to day relationships.
If you missed last night listen to the podcast here. (Should be up by Wednesdays)
We talked about 4 interactions that Jesus and his disciples had with the least:
- The Samaritan woman: John 4:1-26
- Zacchaeus: Luke 19:1-9
- The man with leprosy: Luke 5:12-15
- Peter and John heal the crippled beggar: Acts 3:1-10
Spend some time skimming the gospels and look at the amount of interactions that Jesus had with the ones that had been marginalized and overlooked.
Read Matthew 25:31-46
- Loving the least takes Gods eyes for people
- When we start seeing with the eyes of Jesus the world doesn't change...we just see the whole world's like a new lens that we see the world through.
- Nothing changes but everything changes!
We start seeing our city and world differently
We start seeing the Stirring differently
Talking about the least gets overwhelming but Jesus makes it simple:
- a glass of water, a meal, clothes, shelter, visitation.
- invest in one
Are there some creative ways you and your friends or life group can see the least this week and practically meet a need?
September 29, 2008
September 24, 2008
Couples night
Saturday September 27
Meet at 6:30pm for dinner or dessert at Red Lobster
Then we are going to Movies 10 at 7:30pm.
No child care provided.
The trailer can be viewed at
If you have any questions please email Angie at
Meet at 6:30pm for dinner or dessert at Red Lobster
Then we are going to Movies 10 at 7:30pm.
No child care provided.
The trailer can be viewed at
If you have any questions please email Angie at
Stirring BBQ this Friday at the Flecks
Friday September 26th
Stirring BBQ
6 - 8pm
2888 Salmonberry Dr (the Fleck's)
Bring your own meat & a side to share. It will be a great night to get to know people at the Stirring.
We love shirts
We are going to have kids, guys and girls shirts available this weekend at the Stirring. $20 a shirt. All the proceeds go to our church plant. Bring cash on Sunday!
Thanks Jeremy for creating a great shirt.
September 22, 2008
We love the world
Last night was part 3 in our we love...we make disciples series.
We want to be wrestling with these ideas through the week in Life Groups and in our day to day relationships.
If you missed last night listen to the podcast here. (Should be up by Wednesdays)
Read Acts 17:16-34
- Paul's heart is burning for the people of Athens...he stands up in the center of the Greek world...he starts describing God to them.
- What was his posture towards the people he was addressing?
Three big thoughts from the night:
1. God is already moving in people's lives. He's already there. We don't bring him to places like Africa in our pockets. He's the God of the whole world. He wants us to join him in what he's already doing.
- Is this a shift in thinking for you?
- Do we see everyone first as created in God's image?
2. God is calling all creation back to himself. John 12:31-32 He has placed a deep hunger for God in the heart of every person. We were created to live face to face with God...All of us. It's not our calling to get people saved...salvation belongs to God. Our calling is to love people towards Jesus
- Is this a shift in thinking for you?
- What are some creative ways God is asking you to ignite that hunger in others?
3. God is bringing people into our lives every day. Are we willing to get uncomfortable enough to love the world God has placed us in? Talk...pray...share...listen. We don't have to go out to do outreach. All of life is reaching out to those around us. That's why we keep things simple with Life Groups. We want to spend as little amount of time as possible in the church building so we can give our lives to the people in our community.
- Do you see the people in your life that you bump up against everyday this way?
Read Colossians 4:2-6
- Let this be our prayer for the world God has called us to love every day.
We want to be wrestling with these ideas through the week in Life Groups and in our day to day relationships.
If you missed last night listen to the podcast here. (Should be up by Wednesdays)
Read Acts 17:16-34
- Paul's heart is burning for the people of Athens...he stands up in the center of the Greek world...he starts describing God to them.
- What was his posture towards the people he was addressing?
Three big thoughts from the night:
1. God is already moving in people's lives. He's already there. We don't bring him to places like Africa in our pockets. He's the God of the whole world. He wants us to join him in what he's already doing.
- Is this a shift in thinking for you?
- Do we see everyone first as created in God's image?
2. God is calling all creation back to himself. John 12:31-32 He has placed a deep hunger for God in the heart of every person. We were created to live face to face with God...All of us. It's not our calling to get people saved...salvation belongs to God. Our calling is to love people towards Jesus
- Is this a shift in thinking for you?
- What are some creative ways God is asking you to ignite that hunger in others?
3. God is bringing people into our lives every day. Are we willing to get uncomfortable enough to love the world God has placed us in? Talk...pray...share...listen. We don't have to go out to do outreach. All of life is reaching out to those around us. That's why we keep things simple with Life Groups. We want to spend as little amount of time as possible in the church building so we can give our lives to the people in our community.
- Do you see the people in your life that you bump up against everyday this way?
Read Colossians 4:2-6
- Let this be our prayer for the world God has called us to love every day.
September 19, 2008
Stirring parking lot sale THIS SATURDAY!!!
Stirring BBQ tonight!
September 19th
Stirring BBQ & Swim
2907 Camulos Way (the Miller's)
Bring your own meat & a side to share.
September 15, 2008
We Love Each Other
Last night was part 2 in our we love...we make disciples series.
I'm posting on Mondays with some thoughts, questions, and verses from our Sunday gatherings. We're hoping that our gatherings are not just a one way conversation. We want to be wrestling with these ideas through the week in Life Groups and in our day to day relationships. Feel free to leave some comments.
If you missed last night listen to the podcast here. (Might take a couple days to get up...sorry)
Read Acts 2:42
The disciples were devoted to four things
- The apostles teaching: learning and living the way of Jesus
- Fellowship: that word means as committed to each other as we are to much more than church potlucks!
- The breaking of the bread- sharing a meal with the risen Lord
- Prayer: the most natural expression of our love for God
- Do you really want to be a part of a movement like this?
- Are we as committed to each other as we are to Jesus?
Read I John 4:7-21
- Thoughts?
So many times our love is THIN...we're too busy...spread thin...committed to everything so we're really committed to nothing.
We want to be a community that loves THICK...Jesus loved the world but was devoted to a few. We want to follow his example.
- Who are you devoted to?
- Who are you in fellowship with?
- Who are you locking arms with this year?
Loving God is easy. He never lets us down...never leaves us...never wounds us.
Loving other Christians is hard. Most of our deepest wounds come from other Christians. Why?
Sometimes we need to bear with one another in love. Ephesians 4:2
We have the choice to run when we're faced with difficult people but what happens if we do?
Read John 13:34-35
As a church you can be known for a lot of things but we want to be disciples that are known by love!
It's easy to go to church...sing songs...and wear Christian t-shirts.
Loving thick...being devoted to a few...loving through pain and wounds...that's church!
I'm posting on Mondays with some thoughts, questions, and verses from our Sunday gatherings. We're hoping that our gatherings are not just a one way conversation. We want to be wrestling with these ideas through the week in Life Groups and in our day to day relationships. Feel free to leave some comments.
If you missed last night listen to the podcast here. (Might take a couple days to get up...sorry)
Read Acts 2:42
The disciples were devoted to four things
- The apostles teaching: learning and living the way of Jesus
- Fellowship: that word means as committed to each other as we are to much more than church potlucks!
- The breaking of the bread- sharing a meal with the risen Lord
- Prayer: the most natural expression of our love for God
- Do you really want to be a part of a movement like this?
- Are we as committed to each other as we are to Jesus?
Read I John 4:7-21
- Thoughts?
So many times our love is THIN...we're too busy...spread thin...committed to everything so we're really committed to nothing.
We want to be a community that loves THICK...Jesus loved the world but was devoted to a few. We want to follow his example.
- Who are you devoted to?
- Who are you in fellowship with?
- Who are you locking arms with this year?
Loving God is easy. He never lets us down...never leaves us...never wounds us.
Loving other Christians is hard. Most of our deepest wounds come from other Christians. Why?
Sometimes we need to bear with one another in love. Ephesians 4:2
We have the choice to run when we're faced with difficult people but what happens if we do?
Read John 13:34-35
As a church you can be known for a lot of things but we want to be disciples that are known by love!
It's easy to go to church...sing songs...and wear Christian t-shirts.
Loving thick...being devoted to a few...loving through pain and wounds...that's church!
September 9, 2008
Cambodia sharing night
Come hear from the women about their summer trip at 7pm
2413 Ramona (Emily's House)
Contact: Jenna (559)760-1028
2413 Ramona (Emily's House)
Contact: Jenna (559)760-1028
Night of prayer this Wednesday
September 8, 2008
We Love God
Last night we started our vision series at the Stirring.
From now on I'm going to put up a post on Monday with some thoughts, questions, and verses from our Sunday gatherings. We're hoping that our gatherings are not just a one way conversation. We want to be wrestling with these ideas through the week in Life Groups and in our day to day relationships. Feel free to leave some comments.
If you missed last night listen to the podcast here. (Might take a couple days to get up...sorry)
Read Luke 7:36-50 (The story of the sinful woman at the feet of Jesus)
- After hearing the context of the story last night did the passage open up to you in new ways?
- Who do you identify with in the story?
The Pharisees caught up in religion and judgment of others?
The ones on the outskirts of the courtyard, hiding in shame in the shadows?
The sinful woman that disgraced herself and risked everything to get to Jesus?
Read Acts 1-4 this week
- When Jesus ascends to heaven the first thing the disciples do is worship together. They spend time in prayer and God shows up in powerful, unexplainable ways. Do we want that for our church? Are we that crazy in love with God?
- Prayer should be the most natural expression of our love for God. Is that how we see prayer? Do you find ourselves talking to God in the car, when we wake up, and when we're at work and school?
Acts 4:13 says the people took notice that Peter and John had been with Jesus even though they were unschooled and ordinary men. Do people take notice of that in our lives?
Here's a great verse to memorize this week: Deuteronomy 6:4-9
We are having a night of prayer this Wednesday from 7-10 p.m. in the sanctuary of the Nazarene Church. Everyone's invited. For more information check the website.
From now on I'm going to put up a post on Monday with some thoughts, questions, and verses from our Sunday gatherings. We're hoping that our gatherings are not just a one way conversation. We want to be wrestling with these ideas through the week in Life Groups and in our day to day relationships. Feel free to leave some comments.
If you missed last night listen to the podcast here. (Might take a couple days to get up...sorry)
Read Luke 7:36-50 (The story of the sinful woman at the feet of Jesus)
- After hearing the context of the story last night did the passage open up to you in new ways?
- Who do you identify with in the story?
The Pharisees caught up in religion and judgment of others?
The ones on the outskirts of the courtyard, hiding in shame in the shadows?
The sinful woman that disgraced herself and risked everything to get to Jesus?
Read Acts 1-4 this week
- When Jesus ascends to heaven the first thing the disciples do is worship together. They spend time in prayer and God shows up in powerful, unexplainable ways. Do we want that for our church? Are we that crazy in love with God?
- Prayer should be the most natural expression of our love for God. Is that how we see prayer? Do you find ourselves talking to God in the car, when we wake up, and when we're at work and school?
Acts 4:13 says the people took notice that Peter and John had been with Jesus even though they were unschooled and ordinary men. Do people take notice of that in our lives?
Here's a great verse to memorize this week: Deuteronomy 6:4-9
We are having a night of prayer this Wednesday from 7-10 p.m. in the sanctuary of the Nazarene Church. Everyone's invited. For more information check the website.
September 5, 2008
we love. we make disciples.
this Sunday night, we begin a new 5 week series ... we love, we make disciples ... we believe this is why God has placed the Stirring community in Redding ... we want to spend the next 5 years living these 5 words ...
I can't wait to spend the next few weeks calling our church to give their lives to what matters most ...
props to my peeps Jeremy Coverdale for the most excellent image ... I'm blown away by the passion and creativity in our church ... Jeremy's images ... Cory's t-shirts ... Juan's paintings ... Patrick's design ... and all the other creative minds ... you guys help me see God in so many profound and life changing ways ... thanks ...
if you get a chance, read the first couple chapters of Acts before Sunday night ... for the next few weeks, we're going to live in the book of Acts ...
September 4, 2008
Blog changes
Starting this week this blog is going to serve a new purpose.
So I thought I'd switch up the template to symbolically show something new was happening!
Each week I'm going to start posting scripture, thoughts, and questions on this blog from our Sunday gatherings. All of our Life Groups are going to be wrestling through what we're talking about on the weekend so I want a hub that everyone can come to so that we are asking the same questions and moving in the same direction. This week we start our We Love...We Make Disciples series. 5 weeks that get at why we are in Redding. These are 5 words that we want to live out in our city and world for as long God allows it. I can't wait to hear the feedback and the talks that come out of your Life Groups.
So I thought I'd switch up the template to symbolically show something new was happening!
Each week I'm going to start posting scripture, thoughts, and questions on this blog from our Sunday gatherings. All of our Life Groups are going to be wrestling through what we're talking about on the weekend so I want a hub that everyone can come to so that we are asking the same questions and moving in the same direction. This week we start our We Love...We Make Disciples series. 5 weeks that get at why we are in Redding. These are 5 words that we want to live out in our city and world for as long God allows it. I can't wait to hear the feedback and the talks that come out of your Life Groups.
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