February 2, 2009

Honor- Dan Lance / Bill Randall

Sorry this one is late.
The podcasts are up so you can listen to them here if you missed it.

Here's some questions, thoughts and scriptures from Sunday to think about this week:

Dan's message:
Read Philippians 2:3-11
- We live in the burger king kingdom and God is calling us to life in his kingdom. That means the me first, have it your way attitude has got to die.
- We moved from being a covenant people to a culture of convenience.
- If we follow Jesus long enough we get to the cross. Something has to die in order for there to be new life.
- If we want to be people of honor we have to have the same attitude as Christ who was willing to empty himself to the point of death for the sake of others.

Bill's message:
Read 1 Timothy 4:12-14
- We honor because we're image bearers
- We honor the Christ in one another
- There are those who are worthy of honor (merited respect)

- What do you do when honoring someone means dishonoring God?
- How do you respond when you've been dishonored?

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