February 26, 2008

200 backpacks

we met with the principle at Cypress Elementary school downtown . . . she has an amazing heart for the students in her school . . . we're joining with the school to show God's love to these kids in the most creative ways . . .

here are some of our ideas . . . design a school shirt for the kids . . . sand the bleachers . . . paint the halls . . . create short videos for assemblies . . . provide clothes and socks . . . pizza parties for classrooms . . . and this is just the beginning . . .

this is such an amazing opportunity for us to move into the community and put God's love on display . . .

over the next 6 weeks, our goal is to purchase and fill at least 200 backpacks for kids in this coming fall . . . we'll fill these backpacks with socks and toothbrushes and school supplies and backpack kind of stuff . . .

in fact, Ava and I are going out shopping this week to buy our backpack for a kid . . . Transformers . . . because every kid deserves a Transformers backpack . . .


Rosetta Borgic said...

Our Life Group is so excited about this partnership. We are off to sand bleachers! It feels so good to know that we are impacting our community in really tangible ways. Go Stirring!!

Anna said...

I think this is so awesome! I can't wait to see the effect that it's going to have on the school and our community!

P.S. My name is "M-o-s-e-l-e-y" not "Mosley" I would appreciate it if y'all would correct that in the list of bloggers. Thanks!

Stirring Kids said...

My apologies Anna. You now have permission to publish my name anywhere you want as Dan Lantz. I fixed it for ya.