September 29, 2008

We love the least

Last night was part 4 in our we love...we make disciples series.

We want to be wrestling with these ideas through the week in Life Groups and in our day to day relationships.

If you missed last night listen to the podcast here. (Should be up by Wednesdays)

We talked about 4 interactions that Jesus and his disciples had with the least:
- The Samaritan woman: John 4:1-26
- Zacchaeus: Luke 19:1-9
- The man with leprosy: Luke 5:12-15
- Peter and John heal the crippled beggar: Acts 3:1-10

Spend some time skimming the gospels and look at the amount of interactions that Jesus had with the ones that had been marginalized and overlooked.

Read Matthew 25:31-46
- Loving the least takes Gods eyes for people
- When we start seeing with the eyes of Jesus the world doesn't change...we just see the whole world's like a new lens that we see the world through.
- Nothing changes but everything changes!

We start seeing our city and world differently
We start seeing the Stirring differently

Talking about the least gets overwhelming but Jesus makes it simple:
- a glass of water, a meal, clothes, shelter, visitation.
- invest in one

Are there some creative ways you and your friends or life group can see the least this week and practically meet a need?

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